Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Yes, Real Men DO Crochet!

Hello All!

My hiatus has been long but many things have happened.

We bought a condo that needed many repairs, the birth of our child, Silvia Louise, and of course the many other things that make up ones livelihood.

I hope you are well. I had an interview with an online newsletter Talking Crochet. Thank you to Jennifer who found my website and thought I would make an interesting article. Here is the link to the piece: Real Men DO Crochet!

Everyone is doing great. Silvia is 4 months old. And we are going back to American Folklore Theatre in May and will stay for the fall season as well.

If you are viewing this for the first time after reciviing the newsletter, thanks for looking. I hope to see you here more often.

Happy Crochet!


  1. I just checked your blog yesterday to see if you'd been posting. Glad to hear that all is well!

    Congratulations on the birth of Silvia. =)

  2. It's wonderful to know that man crochets. Most men think that it's sissy to crochet, knit or other craft of this sort. It's an art, like painting, etc. Crochet, knit ... just using different media to be creative. Also it's a kind of relaxing activity. Those who say crocheting is sissy, they are missing a lot of fun...
    Happy crocheting.

  3. Chase I am so proud to see a young man enjoying crocheting. Last summer I tried to teach a class at my church and at first a feww people shows up but the they all stop coming. I am an intermediate crocheter. I just did a dress for my granddaughter's christening.
    Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. Chase, I'm Karl and I'm a 47 yo male who also enjoys crochet. I got started a while back and now enjoy making hats and afghans. I have been working on some afghans in pink for breast cancer awareness. My Mother got breast cancer and I guess it's my way of giving back. I am making them for a raffle for breast cancer awareness. I am also thinking about putting a site together like you did :) I just don't know how to get started with doing it. If you would like to share some tips with me on starting a page please feel free to email me at Karlnjax@aol.com Thanks Chase I hope to hear from you.


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